Prepper Girl U.K

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Listed topics (Newest first on 13 OCT 2019) - 

Flood protection. Winter driving tips. Dangerous Respirators. Hypothermia at sea. Weather the storm. Summer car preparations. Terrorist attack. Basic wilderness survival. Firestarters. Pets in hot weather. Heat advice. What to do in emergencies. Emergency food comparison. 21 medical kit must haves for traumatic wounds. Simple veg gardening tips. Create an emergency kit. Emergency food comparison chart. Companion planting. Food that regrows. Basic masks the FFP3. Prepare your BOV. Breathing while running. Survival guide and knives. Axepersonship. U.K nuclear reactors. Disaster checklist for child care professionals. Disaster checklist for parents and families. Spitfire blueprint. Essential oils usage around the home - 21 basic wilderness skills. Building your bug out bag.Vegetable growing cheat sheet, Bags - EDC, 72 hour, long term. Preparing for a storm. Backpack cheat sheet. Winter biking tips. Snow shoveling. What to do during a flood. Winter driving preparedness. Sledding safety, Winter driving. Flooding. Knots 1. Knots 2. Storm preparedness. No pots or pans cooking. Fire building in rain. Hostage survival. Escape attack. Survive hypothermia. Viral hemorrhagic risk assessment. Citizens arrest. Ebola (4), doomsday essentials. Radiation doses. Radiation health effects. MERS-CoV. Disaster survival. Zombie apocalypse. Cancer. Pandemic flu.






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