Solar X-rays: Geomagnetic Field: |
I do have an open mind but i do not 'do' conspiracies, panic, create myself or others fear from something highly improbable or unlikely verging the ridiculous.
The nonsense
If's, maybe's, fear feeding, scaremongering and fancy items of kit abound in the prepper world, be aware not to become entangled in this. Do not rise to the voices from the feeders of fear, no village needs a fearful warrior spreading needless gloom before a likely battle for it will likely take your eye from the line of your true enemy.
This website and myself do not proceed to be an authority on the subject of prepping or survival, i have a degree in Psychology, i am not a qualified survival expert, what i have learnt regards to prepping/survival is from what i have experienced myself back home in South Africa, African travel, life itself, information gathered from other people, research and practical things i have done.
Considering prepping or emergency preparedness?
I would implore anyone even if you have no interest in prepping that if not done so already to consider stocking a little extra food with bottled water, enough to get you and your family by for at least 72 hours, consider a little emergency kit should you have to leave. You don't need to be that person waiting for rescue or wondering what the hell you are going to do next, you can take control with a little cost, some thought, research and preparation. You watch the news, flood, riot, snow etc, it's an endless list and the people you see in strife, calamity and rescue could one day be you !
Cost ?
Buy items gradual, remember food, petrol, water is all usable being rotated stock, you do not have to leap into the depths of prepping or even become a prepper which in itself can put people off who perhaps shy away from the word on the stigma value being preppers are a bunch of 'crazies' Stock a little additional food, water etc with a few necessary items to get you through 48 hours without having any services, feel you need to go further? build on your kit.
How to start or Not sure ?
Prepping or preparing for what exactly you may well ask ? Have a look at the U.K National Risk Register, link on this page and check what could go wrong in your immediate location, live near a river, chemical factory, refinery perhaps ? You can find out more about your local risk planning by checking with your local authority here:
Need further information ?
Plenty of prepper info on the internet but do not get washed away in it's entirety or complexity, start and build slow, join a prepper forum and any questions you have I shall indeed try and answer. I am not knowledgeable enough to do a site dedicated to 'extreme' prepping, survival and self sufficiency, this site is in the main about how i prepare, what i have learnt and what suits us so if you wanna know what bugs are in season to eat i'm probably not the girl to ask although i can however tell you the latest deals on wine ha !
Any ideas of improvement to what i have already done regards prepping are welcome. Any mistakes, faults or dead links here please let me know, thank you. Remember to check back as i do update both 'finished' pages as well as adding new ones. I hope you'll find something of interest within my site and if it proves helpful even better.
Thank you for visiting my website ! If your interested i do have a Facebook page which is updated regular the link to which is further down the page.
Stay safe, keep prepping and love to all ! Mel & Kerry.
Other places you will find me on the web . . .
PLEASE NOTE : This is a non commercial 'free' website. Some material on this site is third party. If you are not happy i have your material here please tell me, or if you want recognition for which i was unaware, again, please tell me, other material that is my own feel free to copy, share, distribute within a non commercial use. Any links or adverts are not endorsed by us and appear for a reference guide only, no brands or items within are sponsored on this website by us, furthermore we do not sell or promote anything anywhere.